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Mental health resilience officer course - NAEMT

In partnership with the South Carolina Office of Rural Health, SCEMSA is proud to bring you this educational opportunity with NAEMT qualified instructors in South Carolina. 

The Mental Health Resilience Officer (MHRO) course prepares EMS personnel to serve as their agency’s Mental Health Resilience Officer. In this role, the MHRO will engage with peers to develop an understanding of mental health issues and resilience; identify peers who are experiencing mental health stressors and crises; navigate peers in need to the right services for help; and support the development of a culture of mental health resilience and emotional wellness within the agency.

Class size is limited, and course fees are covered by the grant funding.  The grant does not cover travel to/from the course or lunch.  If you sign up and are unable to attend, you must notify the instructor at least 3 days before the course or a no show penalty will be assessed.  This ensures our classes are full, so we can utilize our grant funding. 

Once the class is full, the registration form will be disabled, but you are welcome to contact the instructor directly to be put on a waiting list.  If you have questions about the course, reach out to Course Coordinator Jared Starr.

Course Details - March 12 - Orangeburg Training Center

March 12, 2025 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

 Orangeburg Training Center
287 John C Calhoun St
Orangeburg, SC 29115

Instructor: Jared Starr (843) 599-1577
Email Jared

Max Limit: 20 students / NAEMT MHRO Course No: MH-25-03589-01

Registration Instructions:

  1. Click on the link above.
  2. Click on Student Self-Registration.  
  3. Enter Course Number: MH-25-03589-01.  Click Ok.
  4. Confirm the course date is March 12 in Orangeburg. Click Register.
  5. Enter the required information and submit your registration.

About the Course

Due to the difficult environments EMS personnel encounter every day, and the impact of both direct and vicarious trauma, our EMS workforce has long faced a disproportionate challenge in maintaining their mental health resilience.

NAEMT, with support from FirstNet®, Built with AT&T, has developed a course to assist EMS agencies in building and supporting the mental health resilience of their personnel.

The Mental Health Resilience Officer (MHRO) course prepares EMS personnel to serve as their agency’s Mental Health Resilience Officer. In this role, the MHRO will engage with peers to develop an understanding of mental health issues and resilience; identify peers who are experiencing mental health stressors and crises; navigate peers in need to the right services for help; and support the development of a culture of mental health resilience and emotional wellness within the agency.

The course covers:

  • the role of a Mental Health Resilience Officer;
  • the impacts of EMS work on mental health and emotional wellbeing;
  • mental health resilience at the individual, interpersonal, and agency level;
  • communication strategies to engage your colleagues regarding mental health issues;
  • case studies in EMS mental health;
  • key elements of an effective agency EMS mental health resilience program; and
  • how to build or strengthen an agency mental health resilience program; and resources to support the MHRO.

This course is designed for EMS practitioners who meet the following qualifications:

  • at a minimum, current state certification or license as an EMT;
  • at least three years of full-time practice (or equivalent) at the EMT level or above;
  • strong interpersonal communication skills with an interest in serving in this position; and
  • prior experience with critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) and/or motivational interviewing preferred.

NAEMT thanks the following subject matter experts for their contributions to this course:

  • Lauren Young, LCSW
  • Rob Luckritz, JD, NRP
  • Bryan Nelson, MBA, NRP
  • Garrett Hedeen, MHA, Paramedic

Learn more about this course at


SCEMSA Leadership


SC EMS Association
PO Box 360
Winnsboro, SC 29180

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